
A noteskin is a collection of data files that customise how notes and the playfield look in-game.

Files you can find in a noteskin:

  • .json files containing config settings about sprites and the noteskin itself
  • .png files which are used in-game as sprites

All sprites come with an accompanying .json file sharing the same name - This file holds information about the sprite, like how many animation frames it has

You can directly edit .json files with any text editor or notepad.
You can directly edit .png files with any image editor (If you don't have one, some free options are GIMP or Paint.NET).

What's in a noteskin?

  • noteskin.json - Contains the core settings for the noteskin

You shouldn't need to edit noteskin.json settings directly, except in rare cases.
All settings can be configured from the in-game settings menu, by going to Options > Noteskins > Edit noteskin, or by pressing Ctrl+E

More documentation coming soon

Recent updates have redesigned the ingame noteskin editor to provide a lot more ingame explanation of how things work, so that you don't need to refer to the wiki.
If you find something you don't understand or want a better explanation of, ask in the Discord server and the wiki may get updates as a result.